Morgan & Brian:
Ten Years
A glance through a decade of married life
(and half a decade before)
Year -5
We meet working as camp counselors at OMSI's Hancock Field Station. Morgan woos Brian with her dashing good looks and vibrant enthusiasm. Brian woos Morgan with his dashing good looks, silly puns, and a festive hat.
Year -4
We go to college together at Western Washington University and make lifelong friends. Brian hauls Morgan's a$$ through multivariable calculus and Morgan begrudgingly determines that he must not be a dumb hunk after all.
Year -3
We move out of the dorms and into cheap college apartments with friends, where much hijinx ensues.
Year -2
We move in together and host our first Passover seder. Planking is all the rage.
Year -1
A busy year!
Year 1
Another busy year!
Year 2
Brian switches to a career in software and starts work at TopOpps. Morgan continues med school. We adopt our cat Artemis. We join a synagogue where we get involved protesting systemic racism in Ferguson and the killing of Mike Brown.
Year 3
Brian maintains our entire household and feeds throngs of wandering medical students while Morgan does her MS3 clinical rotations. We spend elective time in Hood River, OR.
Year 4
Morgan interviews for family medicine residencies and we match in Denver, CO. We travel to Morocco and Spain.
Year 5
We move to Denver, then buy our first house shortly after. Morgan is busy as an intern while Brian starts a new job as a software contractor with Devetry.
Year 6
Our oldest son, Everett Hancock Schiller is born on February 24th! We are completely overwhelmed at first, but grow to love parenthood.
Year 7
Morgan becomes a chief resident. We welcome Sangiwe, an au pair from South Africa, into our home. We decide to move back to Portland after residency and Morgan interviews for jobs. We hop Airbnbs while selling our house. COVID sucks.
Year 8
We finish residency and make the move to Portland. Morgan starts a new job as faculty at OHSU. Brian continues to work for Devetry, now in a management role, starting a Portland office. COVID still sucks, but we are making friends with neighbors and glad to see family often.
Year 9
On December 11th, we welcome our second son, Asa Dorian Schiller! Brian starts working for Grammarly. Morgan becomes the lead provider at her clinic.
Year 10
Morgan transitions to a different OHSU clinic closer to home. Everett takes ballet classes. We resume travel (and find out just how much work it is to travel with young kids) with trips to Denver, St. Louis, Disneyland, and Hawaii.